lot of time and resources are spent addressing the physical and
emotional issues of individuals throughout the growing up
process. There are a plethora of services available to support
the body and mind. However, there is one aspect is greatly
overlooked or ignored. That aspect is the health of the soul.
As a transpersonal hypnotherapist and a shamanic energy medicine
practitioner I offer a series of spiritual services that assist
individuals to discover who they are and to empower them to be healthy,
holistic, and well-balanced.
services are not based in any dogma or specific religious tradition but
are generic spirituality that can augment any individual’s religious
All of
my services can be utilized by any individual regardless of identity,
however, I have adapted many common ceremonies to specifically support
individuals with non-conforming gender and sexual identities.
path to self-empowerment includes discovering who one is, honoring one’s
place in the world, identifying one’s gifts, and sharing those gifts
with the world. Many individuals have spent years in fear, shame,
stigma, pain, isolation, and victimization. By tapping into one’s soul
purpose and finding one’s spiritual path, the old painful skins can be
shed and a new skin of hope, healing, and happiness can be stepped into.
services and ceremonies are designed to aid individuals in the following
To develop
freedom from physical and emotional pain
To manifest
financial security
To feel social
To acknowledge
spiritual assistance
To create
Following is a description of the various services I offer:
This ceremony can be used for anyone wishing to change a name or
to sanctify a given name. A name is an energetic sign that
identifies who an individual is. Each name carries a specific
surname is the family name that you inherit at birth. Most may believe
that they have no control over what name they are born into. However, if
they believe in the pre-life selection process associated with
reincarnation, they most likely chose their parents and hence their
surname was appropriate for the life lessons they chose to work with
this time around. A given name is the first name or familiar name that
parent bestow upon an individual at birth when the individual is too
young to have a vote on which name they would like.
people accept the names given at their birth as sacred and unchangeable.
However, in some cultures, a name is fluid. For example, in some Native
American tribes, a child would be named after something that was
relevant at their birth. However, when they complete the rite of passage
from childhood to adulthood, they are given a new name that represents
who they have become.
Australia, the Aborigine people do not celebrate birthdays but they do
celebrate naming ceremonies. For instance, as an individual grows
decides on an identity, such as a storyteller for example, they will
pick a name associated with their gift. The entire tribe joins in
celebration of the new name.
pagan and magick traditions, individuals choose a secret “magick” name
that they will use in ceremony and ritual.
Western culture, a name change is usually marked by applying for a new
driver’s license or identification card. All legal documents including
passport, social security, and birth certificate need to be changed.
Quite often, the name will be legally changed by a court order.
However, the ceremony of taking on a new name is missing. Stepping into
the energy of a new name should be honored with a ritual. This ritual
can be performed in solitary as a contract between an individual and
their Higher Self or it can be a ceremony in which others are present as
I have
created a ceremony that involves everyone in the group blessing your new
name before it is energetically integrated into your physical body.
are many ways to choose a new name. It can be done randomly by choosing
a name that you like the sound of. It can be chosen based on its
symbolic meaning. It can be found online by using a name generator. To
be very meticulous about the energy of new name, use numerology to
design a name with specific intent or meaning.
Often when we are in an unpleasant place in our lives, we begin
to feel stuck there. Sometimes this “stuckness” perpetuates
itself because we are in resistance. In order to move or shift,
it becomes necessary to create a radical transformation in our
In the
Peruvian Andes there is a concept called “ayni”, which means to
be in right relationship. Ways to create right relationship are:
Be grateful for what you have.
(Formalize your gratitude through ceremony.)
Radically forgive those that have
wronged you. (Read Radical Forgiveness by Colin Tipping)
Remove resistance by accepting
your situations are opportunities for growth (Its good medicine and
a karmic healing.)
Be grateful for blessings on
their way. (From the Native American concept of giving thanks for
unknown blessings already on their way.)
Energetically release those
situations and/or people that no longer serve you thereby making
room for something new to flow in. (Formalize your release through
steps help shift energy and get it flowing. Energy movement brings new
and exciting prospects.
A rite of passage is a ritual event that marks an individual’s
transition from one status to another. Ceremonies honor
individuals and create a deeper bond to their community when
others share in the celebration of rites of passage. Rites of
passage are used to celebrate major milestones in an
individual's life. The seven major transitions are identified
birth, puberty, adulthood, marriage, parenthood, eldership, and
ancestorship (death).
Transsexuals have some additional points of passage:
puberty (beginning of hormone therapy), rite of passage (living 24/7 in
desired gender role), and
(completing legal changes and/or genital reassignment surgery).
A rite of passage from girlhood to
manhood might include a celebration of joining the adult male world and
a symbolic activation of fertilizing seeds. As a new father of the
world, a transman uses his masculine values to welcome his new self. He
stands in self-empowerment and brings the gifts of his soul to harvest.
A rite of passage from boyhood to
womanhood might include a celebration of joining the adult female world
and a symbolic activation of menses. As a new mother of the world, a
transwoman uses her feminine values to welcome her new self into rebirth
so that all the gifts of her soul can be nurtured.
A rite of passage for a gender fluid
individual might include a celebration of joining the world of gender
fluidity and releasing the old labels of a binary gender system.
A power animal is an animal spirit guide that watches over an
individual throughout their life. An individual can have
multiple power animals that serve as guides and spirit helpers.
Each animal has specific traits that can be used to provide
positive qualities for an individual as needed.
power animal can be retrieved on a guided meditation by an experienced
practitioner, by having a shaman journey for the retrieval, or by an
individual journeying for his/her own animal. During a power animal
retrieval journey, an animal should appear a minimum of 4 times. Power
animal retrievals help restore an individual’s personal power.
an individual is introduced to their power animal, a long term
relationship is established by honoring the animal through communication
and paying respect by “dancing the animal”.
Soul retrieval is a process of bringing back soul parts that
have been lost, stolen, or put away for safe keeping. Soul parts
may be lost in two fundamental ways:
Parts of an
individual’s soul can be lost during traumatic events.
Soul parts may be sent away for safe keeping as a means
of defense and spiritual survival.
Parts of an
soul may be stolen by others that are holding onto
pieces for various reasons.
symptoms of soul loss include: trauma; post-traumatic stress syndrome;
shock; immune deficiency problems; chronic illness; coma; chronic
depression; suicidal feelings; inability to heal; inability to move
forward; long term grief; addictions; disassociation; lost memories;
spaciness; inability to feel; feeling lost, incomplete, stuck, or
dispirited; loss of control; feeling that something in life is missing;
feeling that you want to return to a person/location for no good reason;
or that you lost something you can’t get back.
benefits of a soul retrieval can be: feeling more present, feeling more
connected, moving forward easier, making decisions or changes easier, or
making self-improvements.
individual who has grown up with a non-conforming gender or sexual
identity is very likely to have sent away soul pieces for safe keeping.
In addition, an individual may be holding on to soul pieces of others.
During the process of soul retrieval, these pieces can be ritually
released. It would make perfect sense that an individual with
non-conforming gender and sexual identities may be holding soul bits of
others that are viewed as role models, someone they aspire to be like or
The mechanics of body part retrieval is similar to those of soul
retrieval however instead of bringing lost soul pieces back for
integration, the energetic imprint of specific body parts are
integrated with an individual. This ritual is a way to bring in
a desired body part before genital reassignment surgery. For
example, a male-to-female trans* individual may want to release
a penis and “call in” a new vagina. Or a female-to-male trans*
individual may want to release breasts and “call in” a new
penis. The desired body parts are already imprinted on the
Energy Body of a pre-op trans* individual. During a body part
retrieval those energetic imprints are “pulled down into” the
physical body, creating an energetic imprint in the Physical
Body for the actual manifestation to occur through surgical
procedure. A Energy Body tune-up should be completed before and
after any surgical procedures.
See above and
Past Lives
for detailed information.
following energetic themes are common to individuals that grew
up with non-conforming gender and sexual identities:
The physical body is
not grounded.
Many trans* individuals that do not like their physical body don’t
spend a lot of time in it. In other words, the Energy Body is only
partially in the Physical Body. These individuals probably spend a
lot of time in their head. If the Physical Body is not grounded, it
is vulnerable to accidents and other physical problems.
Energy boundaries may
be weak or damaged.
If a trans* individual rejects the Physical Body because it doesn’t
match the Energy Body, the body becomes susceptible to invasion by
foreign energy such as entities or seeds that can develop into
disease. In addition, the Energy Body may have sustained rips,
tears, and dents from life events that are in need of repair.
Hyper-vigilance is
strong. The
eye, the home of intuition, of an individual with non-conforming
gender and sexual identities is wide open due to hyper-vigilance and
empathic skills.
Holding shame creates
low self-esteem.
An individual with non-conforming gender and sexual identities are
often shunned, stared at, and whispered about from early childhood
on. A lifetime of being stigmatized creates feelings of
worthlessness, paranoia, and feeling unloved.
Preferred genitalia
really are present.
Others may not see a trans* individual’s true form but the
kinesthetic feel is present for the individual. The body of a trans*
individual does exist in an energetic state.
There is no such thing
as “being born in the wrong body”.
There are no accidents or coincidences in the universe. It is time
to accept that being trans* is a part of the pre-birth contract that
was created for this incarnation and may be related to karmic
assist individuals deal with these concepts I offer classes and
workshops that are specific to the subject of gender and sexual
identity. One example is my workshop called Dreaming the Energetic Body:
Bridging the Worlds between the Physical & the Energetic. This is an
experiential workshop that focuses on aligning one’s physical body image
with one’s mental picture of that body. I also offer a workshop called “Andro-balancing”,
which helps cis males get in touch with their feminine energy. In addition, I offer a
school of self-empowerment.
Yes, I'm ready for a consultation & cost quote for a customized
Trans*spiritual Service!
