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Classes & Workshops are in listed in order of the date they are scheduled.

Soul School



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I am not conducing any face-to-face sessions or training during the risk of COVID infection.

Register by text, phone, or email.
Payment can be made by cash, charge card, or request an invoice via Paypal or the Square.
All training includes comprehensive handouts.


Available for a Limited Time Only!

THE SHAMANIC SPIRAL 2.0: A Vibrational Approach to Expansion of Self & Others

Presented by Drake Bear Stephen & Edwin Snyder

This course, consisting of two tracks, one shamanic and the other energy medicine. This is the first time the two are being taught together. The material will help you navigate your ascension experiences, as well as support your personal healing and clearing, It can also be used to support family, friends, and clients healing journey. The course consists of 10 sessions, two are in person and 8 are conducted on Zoom. All participants will receive comprehensive handouts and a certificate of completion at graduation.


Length: 10 Sessions

First Session is April 14-16, 2023 in St. Louis Park, MN

Costt: $300 per Session

Yes, I'm interested.



Basic Soul School  - The Four Directions

Advanced Soul School - The Center



There are two rules of the road when you are traveling on a journey of personal transformation:

RULE #1: Know Thyself. –Ancient Greek Philosophy

RULE #2:–Shakespeare, Hamlett


The only thing we can take with us out of this lifetime is the knowledge and wisdom that our soul acquires. So any gain we make in knowing ourselves will stay with us.

Can you answer this series of questions associated with self-knowledge?

  • Who am I?

  • Where do I come from?

  • Where am I going?

  • What is my purpose?

  • What are my gifts?

I have created a curriculum to help you discover answers to these questions and put it in a structure. Soul School: A Shamanic Mystery School is designed to be your Wheel to Fortune. In Soul School, you will complete the 4 steps to finding your authentic Self and then empowering that Self:

1. Know Yourself:

  • Discover who you are.

  • Learn all you can about yourself.

  • Trawl your subconscious for hidden memories.

  • Heal past pain and trauma.

3. Be Yourself:

  • Empower who you are.

  • Server yourself.

  • Honor your boundaries.

  • Be authentic by extracting others’ voices and influences.

2. Love Yourself:

  • Believe in who you are.

  • Unconditionally.

  • Constantly.

  • Know you deserve the best.

4.Share Yourself:

  • Discover your inner prizes.

  • Share your gifts with the Universe.

  • Shine your Light.

  • Be of service to others.

Each one of us is a prize from the Universe to our Self and from our Self to the Universe. Each one of us has a unique gift to give. By increasing self-love and improving self-respect, your energetic vibration increases to a level that allows you to manifest your heart’s desires with ease.

What we see when we look in the mirror is what the world reflects back to us. We get what we believe we deserve. When we believe we are not good enough or deserve what we want, we block the flow of abundance, prosperity, and love. The more we love ourselves the more of our dreams we can manifest.

Soul School is a journey of personal transformation that clears past wounds to create the world you always desired. It helps you to develop the gifts that are unique to you so that you can activate them at their fullest power. Soul School assists you in healing old wounds, canceling outdated vows and contracts, and creating a luminous energy body.

You may be seeking that treasure chest full of Peace, Empowerment, Energy, Health, Creativity, Prosperity, Spirituality, and Love. However, through your journey around the wheel in Soul School, you will find that you are the treasure in the chest!


A mystery school is a university for the soul, a school for the study of spiritual concepts from various sources. Many of the subjects taught in a mystery school are esoteric because they have not been shared in Western mainstream schooling. And the mystery schools were named as such because members were sworn to secrecy about the rites and inner teachings of the schools.

A mystery school is not a religion but a place of study and practice. Mystery school is not about dogma or central authority figures. Each student is encouraged to be self-referencing, i.e. sourcing from their higher self and their personal spirit guides.

One of mystery schools’ primary duties is to serve the Light and keep the ancient knowledge alive. Because of the massive shifts in energy occurring on Earth today and the critical need to raise the consciousness of the planets' inhabitants, mystery schools are releasing the ancient teachings for first time to the public.


The curriculum of Soul School is based on the structure of the medicine wheel. The Medicine Wheel originated with the North American indigenous tribes who called it also a Medicine Hoop. Ancient indigenous medicine wheels are circles of stone found in nature found predominantly in the northwest US and western Canada.

The original purpose of the Medicine Wheel is obscure but theories propose they were used for healing, spiritual rituals, prayer, meditation, and as physical connection points to the Spirit World. Today, the Medicine Wheel is used to provide a foundation for many different cosmologies. Indeed, any concept can easily be applied to this circular model. The most common is the use of the cardinal directions.

The Medicine Wheel is a powerful ceremonial tool and the basis for teaching and learning. It supports the concept that all things are interrelated. Medicine refers to anything that promotes goodness or healing. Common medicine can include plants, healing techniques, teachings, and spirituality.

The round aspect of the wheel makes it a natural symbol of the circle of life. Life mirrors the cycling of the seasons, the daily sun rising, and the phases of the moon. Circular living is the continuous cycle of life: birth, death, and rebirth.

The medicine wheel is a journey of self-empowerment. We begin our journey in the South where we release the stories and patterns that no longer serve us. We learn to step out of victim hood. In the West we clear our karmic and ancestral pathways, healing our past and future. We learn to use our power in positive ways. In the North we become self-referencing. We retrieve lost soul parts that are reintegrated for wholeness. In the East we experience soul flight and connection to the stars. We learn to live fully present in right relationship to ourselves and to others. We become the creator of our Universe.

"When you begin to feel you are a spiritual being which, in fact, you are, you begin to activate the medicine wheel in your life."

-Tony Ten Fingers, Wanbli Nata'u, Oglala Lakota


Soul School draws from different modalities including Energy Medicine, Transpersonal Shamanism, Indigenous Spirituality, Ceremonial Crafts, and Universal Metaphysics. Soul School is available live (in person) or as a personal mentoring service over Skype or Zoom. The live version consists of 4 basic directions and 13 full class days. After completion of the first 4 directions, a 5th direction is available for advanced work. The agenda for the online mentoring program is customized to each individual’s personal needs.

Soul School offers a soup-to-nuts approach to healing body, mind, heart, and spirit, with the goal of fully integrating the physical body with the energetic body in the present life, past lives, and between lives. Soul School teaches you healing techniques that you can use with family, friends, and clients.

The Soul School program is a smorgasbord of spiritual concepts where various flavors can be sampled. Spiritual awareness is enhanced through learning rituals and simple ceremonies that can be performed each day or for special occasions. Soul School will inspire your soul with these exciting offerings:

Part 1: SOUTH - Release from Victimhood: Soul Restoration & Rejuvenation

Introduction to Mystery Schools, Shamanism & the Medicine Wheel
Opening & Closing Sacred Space
Shamanic Journeys: The 3 Worlds, OR & NOR
Power Animal Retrieval
Shamanic Tools: Drum & Rattle
Using Pendulums
Soul Clearing Techniques
The Mesa (Medicine Bundle) & Khuyas (Sacred Energy Stones)
Ways of Believing, Perceiving, & Projecting
Soul Painting
The Q’ero, Inka Archetypes, & Glossary
Energy Medicine & Shamanic Energy Medicine
Energy & Spiritual Dis-Functions / Shamanic Solutions
Grounding, Protection, & Running Energy
Chakras & Auras – Repairing & Healing
Muscle Testing
Despacho Ceremony

Part 2: WEST - Self-Empowerment: Soul Remembering & Extractions

Cutting Cords
Two Spirits & Gender Energy Quotient
Entities & Protection
Energy Extractions
Soul Stages & Levels
Tracking with Archetypes

Part 3: NORTH - Self-Referencing & Self-Sourcing: Soul Retrieval, Soul Theft, & Soul Release

Soul Retrieval
Fire Ceremony
Structural Clearing & Blessing
Skeleton Dance
Magical Names
Passing Power through Power Songs

Part 4: EAST - Sourcing from Spirit: Flying Shamans & Soul Flight

Mesa Maintenance: Changing Out Stones & Feeding the Mesa
Stars, Star Races, & Starseeds
Lightworkers & Light Beings
Crystal Gridding
Ethical & Legal Issues for Shamanic Practitioners
Spiritual Bypass & Spiritual Arrogance
Psychopomp Work: Eulogy & Soul Flight
Reincarnation & Journey to the Afterlife
Apu Calling and Energy Field Clearing
Meridian Tapping
Mesa Divination
Mesa Manifestation

Part 5: CENTER – Advanced Studies: Soul Linking

Energy Movement Tools
Chumpi Stones
Chakana Cosmology
Chakana Oracle Divination
Soul Relationships & Anatomy of the Soul
Advanced Energy Exercises
Advanced Energy Medicine Techniques
Anointing & Blessing
Life Numbers

Also the following can be included in your curriculum: making spirit crafts and receiving energetic rites (face-to-face sessions only). Participants create a sacred energy bundle, receive comprehensive handouts, and homework assignments. Participants that complete the series of sessions will receive a Certificate of Completion for Shamanic Energy Medicine.    

Length: Face to Face Training: Basic Soul School: 13 days Advanced Soul School: 3 days.

Online Training: Approximate 2 hours sessions, number of sessions to be determined by the pace of the participants.

Cost: Face to Face Training: $125 per day.

Online Training: $50 per session.                    

Reasons that you might want to take this training are:

To find and/or activate your gifts
To develop a personal spiritual practice
To experience a personal growth program
To use healing techniques to augment your current profession
To learn healing techniques to use with self, family, friends, and clients
To bust through blocks that have been holding you back from realizing your dreams

Create long-term transformations by giving yourself a soul make-over in Soul School: A Shamanic Mystery School.

"If I am not for myself who is for me?
And being for my own self, what am 'I'?
And if not now, when?"

View Short Video about Soul School

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Linda Backman – Bringing Your Soul to Light
Coleen Deatsman – The Hollow Bone
Michael Harner - The Way of the Shaman
Alberto Villoldo - Shaman, Healer, Sage

Cyndi Dale – The Subtle Body & The Subtle Body Practice Manual
Donna Eden – Energy Medicine & The Energy Medicine Kit
Stephen D Farmer – Animal Spirit Guides
John Friedlander & Gloria Hemsher - Basic Psychic Development
Sandra Ingerman & Hank Wesselman – Awakening to the Spirit World
Colin Tipping – Radical Forgiveness
Joan Parisi Wilcox - Masters of the Living Energy



Reiki is a combination of 2 Japanese words: Rei (higher knowledge, soul, or spiritual consciousness) and Ki (universal life force). Reiki is soul energy or spiritually guided energy. All living things have life energy in them but can become vulnerable to illness if the life energy is low or if there is a block. The Reiki practitioner is “attuned” to be the channel that guides universal Reiki energy to the recipient. There is one full day of training and an attunement for each of the three Reiki levels.


There is one full day of training and an attunement for each of the three Reiki levels. This class is available in person only, either individually or in a group. A comprehensive handout is given to each participant.

Length: 1 day per level / 3 days total

Cost: $125 per day / $375 all three levels

Yes, I'm interested.


Agenda for Reiki Training:

Reiki Level 1 includes:
General Information about Energy Medicine & Reiki: Definition, Levels or Degrees, Principles, Benefits
History of Reiki
Reiki Hand Positions
Reiki 1 Attunement

Reiki Level 2 includes:
Reiki Symbols
Meeting Your Reiki Guide
Giving Long Distance Reiki
Reiki 2 Attunement

Reiki Level 3 includes:
Becoming a Teaching Reiki Master
Master Reiki Symbols
How to Give Attunements
Master Reiki Attunement

Reference Material includes:
Reiki Lineage
California Law on Reiki Practice
Bibliography & Links
The Reiki Touch Kit
Consent Forms

Diane Stein – Essential Reiki

Nina L. Paul - Reiki for Dummies
William Lee Rand – The Reiki Touch Kit
Llyn Roberts and Robert Levy – Shamanic Reiki




The Chakana Oracle creates a connection between the user and the voices of the indigenous Andean Lineage that dates back 500 years to the Inka Empire. Each card includes a photograph of an energetic companion from the Andean cultural tradition as well as its name in Quechua and English. Energetic companions are aids that help the user activate, animate, and move energy within different portals, dimensions, and time.    

The Chakana Oracle Guidebookk is a reference guide rich with Andean cosmology. It includes:

In-depth information with full-color illustrations of Andean cosmology and symbology.

Layouts for divination work with a foundation that is based on the geography of the terrestrial earth overlaid with the energy of the celestial sky.

Description, interpretation, and practice for each of the 100 oracle cards./p>

Chakana Oracle reading in the unique Tawantinsuyu format with one of the authors of the card deck and guidebook. Or experience a workshop about how to use The Chakana Oracle for yourself and others.

Length: TBD

Cost: $TBD

Yes, I'm interested.


MANIFESTING: A Shamanic Approach

This workshop represents manifesting by aligning energy on 3 different levels:

The Unconscious (Lower World)

The Conscious (Middle World)

The Superconscious (Upper World)

In addition, a section of anchoring manifesting desires in the physical world is included.

This workshop is available in person, over Zoom, individually or in a group setting. A comprehensive handout is given to each participant

Length: TBD

Cost: $TBD

Yes, I'm interested.


MESA MAKING: Make Your Own Personal Medicine Bundle

This workshop guides the individual while creating a personal medicine bundle in the tradition of indigenous medicine people of the high Andes. When finished, each bundle will contain 13 sacred stones informed with unique energies. The length of this workshop is variable depending on the amount of content desired.

This workshop is available in person, over Zoom, individually or in a group setting. A comprehensive handout is given to each participant.

Lengthength: TBD

Cost: $TBD

Yes, I'm interested.


ART MEDICINE: Creating & Consecrating Ceremonial Crafts

This course uses natural materials to create items for sacred or ceremonial purposes. The creative process focuses intentions for manifesting, affirming, banishing, relinquishing, healing, or gratitude. Art Medicine draws from many cultural sources, such as pagan magick, witchcraft and wizardry, hoodoo, and indigenous crafts.  

Subjects included are: Introduction to Art Medicine; Ritual and Ceremony; Setting Intentions; Creating Petition Papers and Sigils; Consecrating Ceremonial Tools; Personal Concerns; Optimal Times to Create; Correspondences of Color, Numbers, and Woods; and Reading and Supply Resources.

Projects include: talismans, bath salts, candle dressing, corn dolls, crystal grids, fairy affirmation kits, jizos, magick wands, medicine bags, mini shrines, mojo bags, paper masks, prayer beads, prayer bundles, spirit sticks, and spirit traps.

Note: No artistic talent is required for these projects. Just bring your intention.

Length: Determined by subjects covered

Cost: $TBD based on content

Yes, I'm interested.


ANDEAN TEXTILES: The Symbology of Woven Energy

This workshop covers the symbology and cosmology energy woven into Andean textiles. The anatomy of cloth is covered from the first threads used in quipus to the woven blankets used to wrap sacred items.

The length of this workshop is variable depending on the amount of content desired. This workshop is available in person, over Skype, individually or in a group setting. A comprehensive handout is given to each participant.

Length: 1 hour, ˝ day, or 1 full day

Cost: $TBD based on content

I am interested!


CHUMPI KHUYAS: The Magic & Mystery of Andean Sacred Stones

This workshop covers the following:

Description of Chumpi Stones

Materials & Picture Symbolism Used on Stones

Inka Cosmology by the Numbers

Uses for Chumpi Stones:

    - Energy Movement

    - Healing Techniques & Grids

    - Manifesting & Divination

Andean Dice and Hands

Note: It is not necessary to own a set of chumpi stones to take this class.

This workshop is available in person, over Skype, individually or in a group setting. A comprehensive handout is given to each participant.

Length: 1 day

Cost: $125

Yes, I'm interested.



HOW TO DO DESPACHO: An Offering of Gratitude

This workshop presents everything you need to know to perform two types of despacho ceremonies: one for clearing energy and one for gratitude and/or manifesting. These despachos are created, used for energy clearing, and then offered to spirit in a fire ceremony.

This workshop is best taken in person but can be done over Skype, individually or in a group setting. A comprehensive handout is given to each participant.

Length: 1 day

Cost: $125

I am interested!


A DAY OF DIVINATION: Easy-to-Use Systems for Exercising Your Intuition

In this workshop you will learn unique methods of doing divination with various items and grids.

This workshop is best taken in person, individually or in a group setting, but could be done over Skype, A comprehensive handout is given to each participant.

Length: 1 day

Cost: $125

Yes, I'm interested.


THE DANCING DRUM: How to Do Drum Ceremonies

This workshop provides information on rattles and drums; how to facilitate or participate in drum circles; drum circle exercises, structure, and ceremony; and includes drumming as well as a guided journey to meet the spirit of your drum. Drum Circles are a great way to create community.

This workshop is best taken in person, individually or in a group setting, but could be done over Skype, A comprehensive handout is given to each participant.

Length: 1 day

Cost: $125

Yes, I'm interested.


GENDER JOURNEY: Exploring the Divine Masculine, Feminine, and Androgyne

In this workshop we fully explore the dimensions of the Divine Masculine, Feminine, and Androgyne , as well as assist you to discover your GEQ (Gender Energy Quotient); experience ways to integrate the Divine Masculine & Feminine within; and meet your Energy Body then align it with your Physical Body.

This workshop includes material from my book, Soul Sex: The Alchemy of Gender & Sexuality.

The length of this workshop is variable depending on the amount of content desired. It can be an hour, a half-day, or a full day. This workshop is available in person, over Skype, individually or in a group setting. A comprehensive handout is given to each participant.

Length: 1 hour, ˝ day, or 1 full day

Cost: $TBD based on length of workshop

Yes, I'm interested.



KARPAY CLASS: Andean Energetic Rites

This workshop teaches how to give energetic rites that connect the receiver to the long lineage of energy healers in the Andes. The rites are similar to Reiki attunements. They feed our seeds that help us become luminous within the energy body.

This is a full day (long day) . This workshop is only available in person, individually or in a group setting. A comprehensive handout is given to each participant.

Length: 1 day

Cost: $125

Yes, I'm interested.


MEDICINE BAG: An Intro to Shamanic Energy Medicine

This workshop covers the different aspects of shamanic energy medicine including: the functions of shamans, energy medicine, energetic dis-functions and their solutions. Participants go on a guided journey for grounding and protection or to meet your power animal retrieval.

The length of this workshop is variable depending on the amount of content desired. This workshop is available in person, over Skype, individually or in a group setting. A comprehensive handout is given to each participant.

Length: 1 hour, ˝ day, or 1 full day

Cost: $TBD based on length of workshop

I am interested!



This workshop covers information on death and dying; the psychopomp’s role in the dying process; and a guided journey through the veil. During this magic carpet journey through Time, we explore the Afterlife, meet your spiritual support system, re-experience your pre-life selection, and create an affirmation for the Afterlife you desire when it is your time.

The length of this workshop is variable depending on the amount of content desired. This workshop is available in person, over Skype, individually or in a group setting. A comprehensive handout is given to each participant.

Length: 1 hour, ˝ day, or 1 full day

Cost: $TBD depending on length of workshop

Yes, I'm interested.


SOUL QUEST: Two Days on Diablo

This quest experience includes two days spent in ceremony out-of-doors on Mt. Diablo. Included is: creating a medicine wheel, spirit tree, working with spirits of the land & mountains, despacho ceremony, and fire ceremony.

It is recommended that you have completed the year long Soul School or similar spiritual training but it is not required.

This quest is available in person only, individually or in a group setting. A comprehensive handout is given to each participant.

Length: 2 days

Cost: Estimated $300

Yes, I'm interested.


TRANS* SPIRITUALITY: Spiritual Aspects of Living a Transgender or Gender Fluid Life

This workshop covers spiritual practices that support individuals walking the transgender or gender fluid path. Subjects include: naming ceremonies, rites of passage, soul retrievals, body part retrievals, release & manifesting ceremonies, and influences of past lives.

This workshop includes material from my book, Soul Sex: The Alchemy of Gender & Sexuality.

The length of this workshop is variable depending on the amount of content desired. It can be an hour, a half-day, or a full day. This workshop is available in person, over Skype, individually or in a group setting. A comprehensive handout is given to each participant.

Length: 1 hour, ˝ day, or 1 full day

Cost: $TBD depending on length of workshop

 Yes, I'm interested.




Dancing Drum Community Circle
Clayton CA

Come play with the heartbeat of Spirit. This community circle is a gathering of shamanic and spiritually inclined individuals in the San Francisco Bay Area.
We come together to drum, rattle, journey, and share medicine.
Other activities include guided meditations, heart circles, despacho ceremony, fire ceremony, divination & card reading, spirit crafts, clearing ceremonies, and Reiki/energy medicine shares.

Despacho Ceremony & Private Sessions with Don Eduardo
Clayton CA
Mar 27 - 29, 2017
How To Do Despacho
SF East Bay CA
Nov 15, 2014
The Ecstatic Path
of the Peaceful Warrior Retreat

Saratoga Springs CA
May 8 - 11 2014

Tapping Techniques for Health and Prosperity
SF East Bay


Reincarnation Journeys Workshop
SF East Bay CA
Feb 10, 2014
Reiki & Shamanic Energy Medicine Classes plus Past Life Regression Sessions
Oahu HI
Aug 24 - Sep 2, 2013
How to Do Drumming Circles
Turlock CA
Aug 17, 2013
Retreat: The Sacred Body
Saratoga Springs CA
May 10 - 12, 2013
Creating Ceremonial Arts, Potluck, & Fire Ceremony:
Day of the Dead Corn Husk Dolls & Spirit Traps (Part 3)
Brentwood CA




Creating Ceremonial Arts, Potluck, & Fire Ceremony:
Prayer Sticks & Prayer Ties (Part 1)
Brentwood CA
Jun 9, 2012

Creating Ceremonial Arts, Potluck, & Fire Ceremony:
Dressing Candles & Mojo Bags (Part 2)
Brentwood CA
Jul 13, 2012


Retreat: Love Messages
Saratoga Springs CA
May 11 - 13, 2012
Mayan Fire Ceremony
Clayton CA
Dec 27, 2011
Despacho Ceremony at Many Lights MCC
San Francisco CA
Nov 3, 2011
Fire Ceremony
Clayton CA
Oct 22, 2011
Walking Cupcake Tasting Tour
Walnut Creek CA
Feb 12, 2011
Despacho Ceremony at AIDS Grove
San Francisco CA
Aug 8, 2010
Dreaming the Energetic Body Workshop
San Francisco CA
Dec 5, 2009
Connecting with Your Personal Spirits Workshop
San Francisco CA
May 23, 2009



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